Healer's Hut


The town healer, Visala, runs a generally low to no cost hut to provide healing, materials, and supplies to the town. She also grows herbs, vegetables, and keeps sheep outside of the hut.

If players are healed here at the hut, the service is free. If they need supplies, they must pay.

#Current Inventory

Downtime Activity: Training

You can spend time with an instructor here to gain proficiency with alchemist's suppliesbrewer's suppliescook's utensils, an herbalism kit, or a poisoner's kit.

Resources. Receiving training in a language or tool typically takes at least ten workweeks (50 days), but this time is reduced by a number of workweeks equal to your Intelligence modifier. A negative Intelligence modifier doesn't increase the time required for training. In addition you need to find a teacher and pay 25 gp per workweek.

Resolution. At the end of your training, gain that new proficiency.

Downtime Activity: Crafting

If you are proficient with an herbalism kit and you're on good terms with the proprietor of this establishment, you can use the facilities here to create potions.

Resources. Crafting an item requires raw materials. And an amount of downtime. At the DM's discretion, some potions my require rare materials that will need to be collected from exotic locations and monsters. Collecting these materials may reduce the total cost of creating the potion.

Multiple characters can combine their efforts. Divide the time needed to create an item by the number of players working on it. A particularly tiny item, like a ring, might only allow one or two workers at a time, whereas a larger, more complex item might allow for four or more workers. A character must be proficient with the proper tools to craft an item and must have access to proper equipment.

Resolution. Once the proper materials are collected and the proper time has been spent, you successfully craft the item. You can sell the crafted item at its listed price if you so desire.

Brewing Potions of Healing. Potions of healing fall into a special category for item crafting. You still need to be proficient with the herbalist kit to create these potions, but the crafting time and material cost are different than other potions.

Item Crafting Time Material Cost
Potion of Healing 1 day 25 gp
Potion of Greater Healing 1 workweek 100 gp
Potion of Superior Healing 3 workweeks 1,000 gp
Potion of Greater Healing 4 workweeks 10,000 gp
Common Potion 0.5 workweeks 25 gp
Uncommon Potion 1 workweek 100 gp
Rare Potion 5 workweeks 1,000 gp
Very Rare Potion 12.5 workweeks 10,000 gp
Legendary Potion 25 workweeks 50,000 gp

Downtime Activity: Work

You can find temporary employment at this establishment.

Resources. Performing a job requires one workweek (five days) of effort.

Resolution. To determine how much money you earn, roll an ability check: Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), Intelligence using a set of tools, Charisma (Performance), or Charisma using a musical instrument. Use the check that applies most to the kind of work you're doing. Consult the below table to see how much money you earned.

Check Result Week's Earnings
9 or lower 1 gp
10-14 5 gp
15-20 10 gp
21+ 35 gp

Complications. After resolving the above, roll a d10. On a 1, you suffer a complication determined by the GM.

Current Inventory

Item Category Price
Potion of Healing Potion 50 gp
Potion of Climbing Potion 50 gp
Potion of Animal Friendship Potion 100 gp
Potion of Greater Healing Potion 100 gp
Potion of Water Breathing Potion 100 gp
Potion of Gaseous Form Potion 500 gp
Potion of Superior Healing Potion 500 gp
Potion of Supreme Healing Potion 5,000 gp
Potion of Invisibility Potion 5,000 gp
Acid (vial) Adventuring Gear 25 gp
Alchemist's Fire Adventuring Gear 50 gp
Antitoxin (vial) Adventuring Gear 50 gp
Bottle, glass Adventuring Gear 2 gp
Component Pouch Adventuring Gear 25 gp
Flask Adventuring Gear 2 cp
Healer's Kit Adventuring Gear 5 gp
Ink (1 ounce bottle) Adventuring Gear 10 gp
Jug Adventuring Gear 2 cp
Oil (flask) Adventuring Gear 1 sp
Perfume (vial) Adventuring Gear 5 gp
Poison, Basic (vial) Adventuring Gear 100 gp
Vial Adventuring Gear 1 gp
Alchemist's Supplies Tools 50 gp
Brewer's Supplies Tools 20 gp
Cook's Utensils Tools 1 gp
Poisoner's Kit Tools 50 gp